No other AFO sock provides a moisture wicking coolness for brace wearers like SmartKnit AFOs
These AFO socks are made especially for adults that require ankle foot orthosis (AFOs). SmartKnit AFOs are exceptionally soft, wick perspiration, anti-microbial and have a heel free design that ensures a perfect fit. AFOs like they should be - a comfortable, cool second layer of skin between you and your AFO.
- Various lengths to allow folding over
- Wrinkle-free
- Super soft
- Wicking fibers keep feet and legs comfortably cool
- Heel-less design for a perfect fit
- Knit with CoolMax
- Black contains Ionic+™ Mineral Antimicrobial - for its moisture wicking and antimicrobial properties
- Pack includes 1 pair of AFO socks in your size selection