Truly Seamless Socks

Posted by Shannon on Feb 6th 2023

FEB 6, 2023

Unraveling the Mystery of Truly Seamless Socks: Why They're a Must-Have

There are plenty of socks on the market that make a claim about being seamless. Not every one of them is truly seamless, however. Here is a breakdown of the different seam types, and why our SmartKnit socks are truly seamless.

SmartKnitKIDS, Truly Seamless Socks, Happy Children

Sock Seams 101

There are plenty of socks on the market that make a claim about being seamless. Not every one of them is truly seamless, however. And, they are definitely not all alike. Someone who is not bothered by seams not all alike, and a child (or anyone) with sensitivity issues will notice right away. So, to help those without seam sensitivities understand, here is a breakdown of the different seam types.

SmartKnitKIDS, Truly Seamless Socks

Smooth Seams

Smooth seams are created by linking both sides of the sock and fusing the toe together. The process is done very carefully to ensure that the resulting seam is as flat as possible.

Hand Linked Seams

Hand linked seams are created by linking together both sides of the sock with a single thread. Although, these types of seam are much easier to tolerate for the seam sensitive than a traditional seam, there are still seams. Many seam sensitive children and adults can still experience discomfort and irritation from a smooth or hand linked seam.

Truly Seamless Socks

Truly seamless socks start at the toe. That way, there is nothing to sew or fuse together. SmartKnitKIDS Seamless Sensitivity Socks are knitted by starting at the toe and working up from there, just like a caterpillar knits a cocoon. No seams equals no points of irritation.

Are They Truly Seamless?
SmartKnitKIDS Socks Are!

Pressing Line

Sometimes children still think they see a seam in SmartKnitKIDS Seamless Sensitivity Socks. What they are seeing is a pressing line. After our socks are knitted, they then go through the “finishing” process. Before they are packaged, our socks are pressed to give them a finished look. Sometimes children see this pressing line and immediately think they are seeing a seam. In reality, this is just a pressing line. After a wash or two, the pressing line will be less visible.

Cuff on Small and Medium Socks

Have you noticed that our Small and Medium socks have a woven cuff, while the Large and up do not? The reason for this is due to the small size of the two smallest socks. They require a little more special care in making them, which results in the cuff. Because smaller children sometimes have trouble keeping their socks pulled up, the extra cuff is a bonus in helping them to keep the socks pulled up.

SmartKnitKIDS, Truly Seamless Socks

Adults that have a similar sensitivity to seams should try our SmartKnit Seamless Diabetic Socks. The style is a little different, but the concept is the same – knitted from the toe up with no seams, just like a caterpillar knits a cocoon!

SmartKnit Diabetic Socks for Adults

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