
Helping Autistic Children Prevent Meldowns

Posted by Shannon on Jul 26th 2022

JULY 27, 2022

Helping Autistic Children Prevent Meltdowns This School Year

Help your child navigate their school environment with these simple and achievable tips.

Autism. Autism spectrum. Autism spectrum disorder. ASD. Children with autism. Kids with autism. Kids in school.

Seamlessly Send Your Child to School with Confidence

What is autism spectrum disorder? Autism spectrum disorder or ASD is a neurological developmental disorder. ASD affects how people or children on the spectrum interact with others, behave, and learn. People can be diagnosed at any age, but ASD is a developmental disorder, because the signs typically present within the first two years of a child’s life.

 For children with autism spectrum disorder, it can be hard to navigate the school year. Changes and transitions for children with autism can be a real challenge. The use of routines is something that autistic people rely on to navigate social situations. Any sudden change or abrupt alteration to a routine can be very uncomfortable for children with ASD. Creating a routine for your child is a sustainable way to support them throughout the highs and lows of the school year. Help your child navigate their school environment with these simple and achievable tips.

Autism. Kids with autism. ASD. Autistic child. Children. Routine. Seamless


To an autistic child, the world can seem chaotic and overwhelming. Routine brings a sense of calm and control to the otherwise unpredictable world. Sending your child off to school with a sense of security through the use of a routine will help them succeedat school. Transitions are hard but they don’t have to lead to a meltdown. Children on the autism spectrum prefer routine because it is predictable and something that they can rely on for a sense of calm and comfort.

Start slowly in creating a routine. Anything that is new can also create overwhelming feelings and emotions for your child. Create a weekly or monthly routine before the start of the new school year. Use this time to navigate what works for your child and what doesn’t. Only you know your child and what will push them out of their window of tolerance. The goal is to help your child become confident so that when they are approaching a meltdown, they have the tools to move through those feelings.

For most children on the spectrum, having control over what they wear can have a positive impact on the success of their day. Allow them to choose clothing that is seamless, with minimal irritation.

Seamless Transition to Home

Autism. ASD. Autism spectrum. Meltdowns. Prevent meltdowns. Calm. Seamless. Transition. Seamless transition.

Prevent After-School Meltdowns

Do you dread the after-school pickup line? Does your child struggle with meltdowns after school? It can be easy to get tools for during the school day, but what do you do when you and your child are tired, at your breaking points, and just ready to crash and burn? Creating a safe space for your child to decompress after school can help them calm down.  

If they are comfortable with you being in the same room as them, don’t leave. Be present with them physically.   Use a calm and safe tone of voice when speaking to them. Don’t try to force them to talk or tell you about their day, especially not right away. If they are able to communicate verbally, wait until they are in a place where they can be calm to talk on their own. If it is helpful, do meditation or deep breathing exercises together. Doing it together can help your child feel safer than doing it alone.

Minimize Sensory Input

Turn down the lights. Limiting the amount of sensory input for your child will help them transition from school to being at home. Being at home should be their safest environment, so if turning the lights down lower or completely off helps them feel that way, allow them to sit in a dimly lit room to decompress.

Incorporating compression clothing and seamless clothes will minimize the amount of sensory input your child feels. Compression offers children on the spectrum a sense of calm and assists with their body’s ability to filter sensory information. SmartKnitKIDS Compresso-T offers comfort and support. Compresso-T is an alternative to a weighted blanket or vest. Through gentle compression, your child will feel safe, calm, and in control.

Sensory Play

Enjoy playtime together. Engaging in sensory play is an outstanding way to get your child’s emotions under control and in a safe range for them to try to manage on their own. For some, doing something physical, that is also calming, can help to slow down the mind.

Sensory play. Sensory. Sensory processing disorder. Autism. ASD. Create calm. Calm. Seamless. Manage meltdowns.

Children on the autism spectrum struggle with emotional regulation. Interacting through physical activity can help your child get in touch with feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, or other big emotions in the body. Letting them move through and process these emotions in a safe way will help them to build confidence.

Build Confidence and Create Calm

Through the use of routine and safe items like compression, clothing will help minimize meltdowns and allow your child to build confidence. Create a sense of calm for your child to feel safe navigating the new school year. Seamlessly help your child move through this school year with ease.

Autism. ASD. Seamless. Create calm. Create confidence. Comfort. Support. Manage meltdowns.


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