SmartKnitKIDS offers a line of seamless products for kids with sensory challenges, like Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism, ADHD, and Anxiety. Our seamless socks are knit just like how a caterpillar knits a cocoon, from the toe up, therefore no place for a seam! SmartKnitKIDS applies that same technique to children’s underwear styles. Our Compresso-T provides children with deep pressure input that gives them a calming experience and helps them to regulate their sensory input. Shop our full collection and experience the seamless difference.
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SmartKnitKIDS Seamless Socks + Undergarments
SmartKnitKIDS offers a line of seamless products for kids with sensory challenges, like Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism, ADHD, and Anxiety. Our seamless socks are knit just like how a caterpillar knits a cocoon, from the toe up, therefore no place for a seam! SmartKnitKIDS applies that same technique to children’s underwear styles. Our Compresso-T provides children with deep pressure input that gives them a calming experience and helps them to regulate their sensory input. Shop our full collection and experience the seamless difference.